Digital Signage – Do not get Caught out Over Costs

Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments


Digital signage has become a buzzword with many suppliers of AV equipment, media players, and other hardware now specializing in digital out of home (DooH).

And there are certainly a need for specialists in what can be a complicated area with many unforeseen problems not associated with other AV and TV usage, especially when you start getting into the field of outdoor digital signage or complicated networks.

However, while expertise and experience are worth paying for not everything branded ‛digital signage’ will necessarily be worth the money.

Digital Signage doesn't have to be expensive

Accessories such as media players are often sold as digital signage players any yet offer nothing more than a standard media playing device or small factor PC (see


And the same can be said for LCD screens. Whilst commercial grade screens are better suited to being permanently left on and to cope with the durability an advertising screen has to endure, there are many screens targeted as digital signage screens and yet offer little over commercial screens other than a higher cost.

Outdoor Digital Signage

This is not the same for outdoor screens though. Any outdoor TV has not only got to endure the elements but also will need to be bright enough to be readable in direct sunshine.

Often this can be an expensive and lead to compromises but many outdoor digital signage screens are not specifically ‛outdoor’. They are just high brightness and rely on their weatherproofing via the outdoor digital signage enclosure.

While the LCD enclosure protects the TV from the elements the high brightness commercial screen ensures the device is readable in all weathers.

This is certainly more cost effective and flexible than a bespoke outdoor TV device, that will probably have to enclosed in some form of protection anyway.


Content too can be overpriced especially if the campaign you require is a simple one. If your digital signage operation is small it is quite possible to create your own content and there is a lot of advice around to help you to do so.

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