Floor Standing Digital Signage – Prominent and Powerful Messaging

Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments

While outdoor advertising is very common, when it comes to the most prominent adverts along our high streets, the floor standing systems are easily the most noticeable. Despite the amount of posters, billboards and other signs, the totem and column adverts situated in the middle of pavements are not only the most sought after spots but the most expensive too.

Floor Standing Digital Signage

The effectiveness of these floor standing advertising displays is down to their prominence. By being a prominent obstacle on the high street, passersby are less likely to ignore them as they negotiate around them. More and more of these displays are becoming digital too, further increasing their noticeability and success as advertising systems.

Big name advertisers tend to dominate these high street advertising displays, but the principles of using floor standing displays can be used by anyone.

In the last decade, digital signage has become a dominate form of advertising, and retailers have been one of the most eager users. Traditionally, digital posters and flat panel displays mounted near point of sale have been the most used type of system; however, increasingly, more and more retailers are using floor standing digital signage units to provide a more prominent form of promotion.

By creating an actual feature inside the store, a floor standing digital signage display attracts far more attention than other types of screen. Of course, there is a downside with having to sacrifice valuable floor space, but there is always the solution of using a sign in a foyer, entrance or even outside.

An outdoor digital signage display placed near a doorway of a retail unit, provides the same prominence and noticeability without taking away valuable sale space. Furthermore, by placing a floor standing display near an entrance, it can help draw people into the store, rather than just promote to existing customers, generating new custom and trade.


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