Most Iconic Outdoor Advert of all Time

Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments

As mentioned last week, the Outdoor Media Centre (formerly the UK’s Outdoor Advertising Association) has been looking to find the most iconic outdoor advertisement of the last fifty years.

With over ten thousand votes cast the winners have been announced. Whether the majority of those who voted were male, is not said, but judging by the winner it might be a strong possibility.

The notorious Wonderbra adverts featuring Eva Herzigova came out on top. The advert from 1994 was infamous in its day and was alleged to have been responsible for various traffic accidents due to its risqué, although this has never been proved.

The Conservative party’s ‘Labour isn’t working’ and ‘Lord Kitchener wants you’ ads came in second and third with some other memorable adverts making the top ten:

1.  1994: Eva Herzigova (Wonderbra)

2.  1978: Labour Isn’t Working (Conservative Party)

3.   1914: Lord Kitchener Wants You (Parliamentary Recruiting Committee)

4.   1901: His Masters Voice (The Gramophone Company)

5.   1991: Management trainee aged 42 (The Economist)

6.   1969: Pregnant Man (The Health Education Council)

7.   1983: Araldite (CIBA GEIGY)

8.   2003: Think Different (Apple)

9.   1966: Heinz Meanz Beanz (Heinz)

10. 1984: Dumb Animals (Greenpeace)

As many outdoor signs are now going digital, it will be interesting to see if any of the modern outdoor digital signage adverts and billboards around our cities and towns make future polls.

For a full run down on the most iconic adverts of the last five decades, visit the Outdoor Media Centre:

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