Outdoor Digital Signage – Big is Beautiful
Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments
Getting your advertising noticed is one of the biggest challenges of outdoor digital signage. Every day we are exposed to thousands of advertising messages, whether they be on TV, radio, in the newspaper, or on outdoor billboards and posters.

Bigger the better with outdoor digital signage
And outdoor digital signage is just the latest in a long line of outdoor advertising methods. Currently it has that advantage of other outdoor adverts in that it is new and different, making it more noticeable.
However, that won’t always be the case and furthermore, with the increase in outdoor digital signage around our high streets, it is already becoming more and more difficult to get noticed. And just like with print adverts, many people actively avoid adverts diverting their eyes, especially if they are old or hackneyed adverts that they are sick of seeing everyday.
There is much that can be done to ensure you are getting noticed though. Firstly, there is the location of the sign. Location is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to getting noticed. The sign should be in the most prominent position possible facing the oncoming audience at eye-level.
Content is another attention grabber. Outdoor digital signage content should be bold, simple and colorful. Any text, slogans or special offers should also be big, to ensure it is as noticeable as possible.
And the size of screen too can make a big difference. When it comes to outdoor digital signage screens – bigger is always better. While giant LED billboards have been around for a while, there is now an increase in large scale plasma and LCD TVs.
The larger the screen, the more likely it will get noticed. Week on week modern flat screen TVs are getting larger too with sizes exceeding 100” now available. For most outdoor digital signage this is perhaps a little overkill but as most signage screens are in the 36-46” size a good 60” or 70” screen will certainly be prominent.
Weatherproof LCD enclosures are available up to 70” too enabling a cost effective outdoor digital signage solution for larger screens.
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