Which Screen for inside an LCD Enclosure – Part Two

Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments

Part two of the analysis of what screens are best for use inside an LCD Enclosure. Read part one

High Brightness Screens…continued.

High brightness screens can generate a lot of heat so sufficient cooling systems should be installed inside the Outdoor Grade

Recently, due to the growth of outdoor digital technology, outdoor screens have begun to emerge on the market-place. These are not only high brightness but are also waterproof and able to cope with wide temperature ranges; however, they do come with some disadvantages. Firstly, they are incredibly expensive in comparison to commercial grade screens with comparative sizes three or four times the price.

Secondly, while these outdoor TV are waterproof and resistant to wide temperature ranges, if they are to be used outside they will still require some from of physical protection, most likely a steel LCD enclosure or similar. As LCD enclosures are waterproof and allow even greater temperature ranges, the more cost effective solution is to simply use the enclosure with a commercial grade or high brightness screen.

Consumer Grade

Finally, there is the budget solution. The cost of consumer grade screens, the type we have in our homes, is now incredibly low and continuing to fall. While they do not have a life as long as that as consumer grade screens, and are not designed for continual use, an LCD enclosure will increase both the lifespan and due to its temperature controlled environment allow them to be used for long periods of time.

Many installers of outdoor digital signage even use them outdoors inside the LCD enclosure and are surprised by the length of time they can operate before failure; not quite as long as consumer grade screens, but the optimum conditions inside the LCD enclosure helps lengthen their life, prevents overheating and protects from hazardous elements, weather and impacts.

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